Saturday, April 5, 2008

Alive and Still Kicking

Wow! Did anyone get the license off that truck that just ran over me?

I have been sick since monday and it is funny that I am because I don't come in contact with that many people. Whatever this bug is, it is a strong one. It had to jump a long way to reach me.

It all began with a dry cough. Then it got so bad I thought my ribs were going to crack or already were. I drank a lot of water, juice and rested. Mainly because I didn't have the strength to do anything else. My head ached along with the rest of my body. My sweet brother-in-law brought homemade chicken soup on the third evening. He just put it on the table and made a quick retreat. Smart man. Yesterday my sister dropped by with another care package consisting of spiced tea, cough drops, canned soup and expectorant. I took one dose at 10 am and my nose began to run. It ran and ran and ran. I used a whole box of tissue. I poked tissue up my nostrils which had begun to burn. Then I became worried that I wouldn't be able to breathe well enough to sleep. I began to tire of being ill. I had a glass of wine, and then another. I can't say it helped, but it didn't hurt either. At 10 pm I took 2 tylenol pm and went to bed. One nostril was open so I was happy. I woke up sometime during the night with my cat, Emily, sleeping on my head! I think she was taking care of me.

I feel better this morning. Not great, but better.

One thing I have learned this week is that I am not alone and people care about me. My sister and husband are total caregivers. My daughters have both been in touch with me by phone and email. And my friends on the internet with their interesting blogs have been my constant companions.

Speaking of blogs, one in particular caught my attention: why paisley??? rent. It is totally me or so some whould think. There are so many great writers out there. I am not a sitter but I sure can sit in front of my computer.

I think I'll live.


M.s Dona said...

Glad to hear you're on the mend.

Earlene said...

Thanks Sally

Unknown said...

Glad you're feeling better!

Mike & I both had it twice. It is the worst sickness I have ever experienced.

Of course, he was taken care of but when I was sick he wanted to order out to feed me!! Please!

Well, I love him anyway ;p

Glad that's passed.

Earlene said...

jd, thanks for checking in. It is still hanging on, but I am up and enjoying the great weather here in NY. Your words help alot.