Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Frustration over technology and family

The past few days have been less than perfect. Try as I may, I can't seem to accomplish much. One of my sister's husband decided to off himself after he burned down the garage. They live in a place that is worse than the "You'll Never Get Out Alive RV Park" where I reside. It is a place in the high desert where people go when society throws them out and they can collect their welfare checks and no one cares if they clean their yard. I have not been close to that sister since I heard her husband was running illegal aliens. pissed me off! She was the baby of the family and threw a fit whenever things didn't go her way. I was the oldest girl and pretty much forgotten until I was needed to do laundry, dishes or baby sit. Waaaaaaa!

I am proud of myself for learning to use a computer just 2 years ago. I read my dummy book, ask questions and plunk away til I get it right. Now I am involved with address changing, electronic bill paying and medical transfers all on the internet. I live alone and do not have an "old man" to do things for me. I enjoy being independent.

I really didn't mean this to be a bitch fest, but when I tried to accomplish something on the computer I became frustrated. Guess I'll go dead head my wonderful collection of geraniums. I'll be sad to leave them. I will take a few cuttings and grow them in pots on the east coast.

1 comment:

shrednfreddy said...

Hey Auntie Earn!
Mom fowarded your e-mail about the crew out in Jacumba. WTF!!. I feel slightly sorry for all of them and yet at the same time.....NOT!!. More importantly. LOOK AT YOU!!! All "Blogging" n shit. I love it!! Let's meet at Hooley's sometime so you can tell me how you went from "complete newbee" to " Blogger". This is awesome!. Keep it up.